“The negligent, deliberate or reckless sale of an investment, where the investment was misrepresented or unsuitable for your needs with the promise of high returns”

Whenever you take professional guidance on a possible financial investment, you hope to do so with the guidance of someone who has your financial interests in mind. Unfortunately this has become more and more relevant as, there have been many cases in the UK of individual financial advisors, and even financial institutions, who have mis-sold investments to their clients, leading to a rise in the mis-sold investment claims.

Often, risky investment schemes are marketed and sold as unique and niche opportunities promising high returns. However, all too frequently these opportunities are pushed by financial advisers who receive high commissions for such transactions fundamentally costing people their life savings.

If you have lost money on an investment as a result of poor financial advice, you may be able to start a claim and recover some if not all of your investment.

There are many factors affecting the performance of all investments, but there are particular questions you can ask yourself to identify whether you’ve been the victim of mis-selling:

Questions to ask about your investments

  • Was your attitude to risk discussed clearly ?
  • Was your capacity for loss explained ?
  • Were you given detailed explanation of the investment product?
  • Were the terms of the investment fully explained ?
  • Were the annual management charge figures set out for you?
  • Did you complete a thorough fact find ?
  • Did your adviser ensure that you had a good level of investment understanding?
  • Were you asked if you held other investments?
  • Were the alternatives explained if the investment proved unprofitable?

Whilst all investments pose some level of risk, a high-risk investment may have a high probability that it will underperform or that the losses will be great if the investment fails to perform.

Contact us for a no obligation discussion and initial advice on how we can help you make a claim for negligent advice.

Types of Investments we can help with

  • ISAs
  • Unit Trusts
  • Loan Notes
  • Investment Bonds
  • Contract for Difference (CFDs)
  • Managed Portfolio
  • Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs)
  • Unregulated Collective Investment Schemes (UCIS)